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Packt | Hands-on Kubernetes Native Serverless Development [FCO]

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اسم:Packt | Hands-on Kubernetes Native Serverless Development [FCO]

By: Tomasz Lelek
Released: November 27, 2019 (New Release!)
Torrent Contains: 31 Files, 6 Folders
Course Source: https://www.packtpub.com/cloud-networking/hands-on-kubernetes-native-serverless-development-video

Create and manage serverless functions with Kubeless (Kubernetes + Serverless)

Video Details

ISBN 9781838557430
Course Length 1 hour 24 minutes

Table of Contents

• Setting Up Kubeless and Leveraging Runtimes for Your Kubernetes Deployment
• Monitoring and Securing Advanced Kubeless Functions
• Autoscaling and API Routing of FaaS
• Integrating Kubeless with Docker and Solve Cold Start Problem
• Utilizing Kubernetes Dashboard to Deploy Kubeless Functions to a Cloud


• Install and deploy Kubeless framework and understand the different runtimes that already exist and are pre-installed
• Discover how to trigger a Kubeless function following a certain schedule
• Monitor a website for availability sending regularly a request and collecting responses
• Explore how the function can be defined as a Kubernetes resource or integrated into the Docker image to improve cold start
• Optimize existing runtime images for your use case by installing additional dependencies and packages
• Deploy Functions using Kubeless
• Leverage autoscaling using Kubeless to trigger the function execution
• Use Kubernetes dashboard with Kubeless


Kubeless (Kubernetes + Serverless) is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework used to deploy functions encapsulating infrastructure underneath. It adds the capabilities of serverless computing to the Kubernetes to upload your code to the cloud provider without worrying about internals.

This course will help you get up and running to build your own serverless application in Kubernetes with Kubeless. Firstly you will learn to set up Kubeless and leverage runtimes for your Kubernetes deployment. Once you have that set up you will learn to monitor and troubleshoot your Serverless functions running on K8s. Then you will add support for auto-scaling and API routing. Also you will learn to leverage Docker for solving the cold start problem of your FAAS. Finally, you will leverage the Kubernetes dashboard to deploy containerized applications to a Kubernetes cluster that is running in the cloud.

By the end of the course, you will be confident in creating, running, and managing serverless functions on Kubernetes infrastructure with Kubeless framework. This practical course will also give you the ability to create and deploy lambda functions as a service to any cloud provider with ease.

Please note that prior knowledge of the working of Kubernetes is assumed.

All the code and supporting files for this course are available on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-on-Kubernetes-Native-Serverless-Development


• Get hands-on experience in installing, configuring, and using Kubeless to deploy small snippets of code
• Discover the core Kubeless architectures, concepts, and highly-available deployments at-scale and in-depth
• Create, run, and manage serverless functions on Kubernetes with Kubeless


Tomasz Lelek

Tomasz Lelek is a Software Engineer and DevOps. He has been working as a software engineer with key operational management duties for tens of microservices infrastructures for 6 years leveraging Kubernetes from the beginning (2014) and Docker for over 6 years. In addition, he has worked in the cloud ecosystem with hundreds of deployments automated using Kubernetes. Moreover, his expertise encompasses implementing the automation of rolling deployments of services that had zero downtime during their new release. He has created several courses about automation using Kubernetes (all courses are available at https://github.com/tomekl007/Packt_Publishing_courses_by_Tomasz_Lelek). He has conducted multiple conferences and presented on topics including Java and JVM-related technologies.

يوتيوب فيديو:
اللغة:English  English
إجمالي حجم:465.68 MB
تجزئة المعلومات:135D859732A553DC7BF7E945A1BAC2D050E8B869
وأضاف بها:Prom3th3uS Super AdministratorMovie PirateVIP
تاريخ الإضافة:2019-12-23 03:44:56
سيل مركز:Torrent Verified

تصنيفات:Not Yet Rated (Log in to rate it)


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